A few of the ways that Dictionary.com defines a “disciple” are:
“a person who is a pupil or adherent of the doctrines of another; follower.”
“any follower of Christ.”
Check out this video from David Platt, a Baptist pastor in Birmingham, AL. He talks about discipleship as something more than simply becoming a better person or improving yourself. Being a disciple of Jesus means becoming like Jesus and also showing Jesus to others!
A few of the ways that Dictionary.com defines a “disciple” are:
“a person who is a pupil or adherent of the doctrines of another; follower.”
“any follower of Christ.”
Check out this video from David Platt, a Baptist pastor in Birmingham, AL. He talks about discipleship as something more than simply becoming a better person or improving yourself. Being a disciple of Jesus means becoming like Jesus and also showing Jesus to others!
Have you ever realized that you are gifted? God has created you unique and given you gifts to share with others! It is way too easy for us to feel that we don’t have anything to bring to a church because either we are more worried about what the church is bringing us, or because we simply choose not to see how God is calling us.
Read Romans 12:1-8.
Activity: What are your gifts?
Reflect on what your gifts might be. Ask someone else close to you (your spouse, a parent, a good friend) what they see as your gifts. If you’d like, make a list!
Plug-In at Forest Hills!
Whether you decide to join Forest Hills as a member or not, we would love for you to get involved. Below is a very basic schedule of when we regularly gather for worship, learning, and fellowship. You are always welcome and encouraged to come of see what God is up to in our life together!
One of the best ways to get plugged-in is to join a ministry. Each of our ministries is listed below with a brief description of the work they do. Please consider joining one of these ministries – we need you and your gifts as we seek to serve God together!
Administration/Finance-Stewardship - Manages personnel matters and ensures the establishment, maintenance and sustainability of policies, systems and documents significant to the life and ministries of FHPC. Monitors the financial health of FHPC along with the Church Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, assists the church, Session and congregation in using financial resources wisely to advance God’s mission, directs the annual stewardship campaign, coordinates the budget process and cash management policies, and disburses funds to appropriate ministries locally and around the world.
Congregational Care/Fellowship – Provides oversight for the care of individual members, especially during times of special needs, including prayer, sending cards, visitation, providing meals, running errands, and assistance with transportation. Promotes cohesion, camaraderie and Christian bonds within the FHPC congregation.
Outreach – Seeks to share God’s love in Jesus Christ with the world through encouraging members of FHPC to participate in mission opportunities at home and abroad, especially those that seek to help others less fortunate. Helps the congregation focus on the Mission of the Church Universal to make disciples of all nations!
Property - Provides for the upkeep and regular maintenance of all FHPC property including the church building and bus.
Worship/Christian Education – Promotes deep, joyous and Spirit-filled worship of God, which takes place whenever God’s people gather for worship, study and/or fellowship. Equips FHPC so that we can provide educational opportunities that focus on scripture to encourage discipleship in Jesus Christ among people of all ages, both inside and outside of the FHPC community.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the online portion of the Inquirers Class for Forest Hills Presbyterian Church. We hope it has been informative, engaging, and encouraging! Please make a note of any questions or suggestions you have about our congregation and how we can improve this class, or how we can deepen our ministry in general! May God bless you each and every day!
Have you ever realized that you are gifted? God has created you unique and given you gifts to share with others! It is way too easy for us to feel that we don’t have anything to bring to a church because either we are more worried about what the church is bringing us, or because we simply choose not to see how God is calling us.
Read Romans 12:1-8.
Activity: What are your gifts?
Reflect on what your gifts might be. Ask someone else close to you (your spouse, a parent, a good friend) what they see as your gifts. If you’d like, make a list!
Plug-In at Forest Hills!
Whether you decide to join Forest Hills as a member or not, we would love for you to get involved. Below is a very basic schedule of when we regularly gather for worship, learning, and fellowship. You are always welcome and encouraged to come of see what God is up to in our life together!
- Sunday
9:45am – The Gathering (a multi-generational Sunday School Class)
9:45am – Adult Sunday School
11:00am – Worship - Wednesday
5:30pm – Family Night Dinner (all ages are welcome!)
6:00pm – Family Night Learning
7:00pm – Adult Choir
One of the best ways to get plugged-in is to join a ministry. Each of our ministries is listed below with a brief description of the work they do. Please consider joining one of these ministries – we need you and your gifts as we seek to serve God together!
Administration/Finance-Stewardship - Manages personnel matters and ensures the establishment, maintenance and sustainability of policies, systems and documents significant to the life and ministries of FHPC. Monitors the financial health of FHPC along with the Church Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, assists the church, Session and congregation in using financial resources wisely to advance God’s mission, directs the annual stewardship campaign, coordinates the budget process and cash management policies, and disburses funds to appropriate ministries locally and around the world.
Congregational Care/Fellowship – Provides oversight for the care of individual members, especially during times of special needs, including prayer, sending cards, visitation, providing meals, running errands, and assistance with transportation. Promotes cohesion, camaraderie and Christian bonds within the FHPC congregation.
Outreach – Seeks to share God’s love in Jesus Christ with the world through encouraging members of FHPC to participate in mission opportunities at home and abroad, especially those that seek to help others less fortunate. Helps the congregation focus on the Mission of the Church Universal to make disciples of all nations!
Property - Provides for the upkeep and regular maintenance of all FHPC property including the church building and bus.
Worship/Christian Education – Promotes deep, joyous and Spirit-filled worship of God, which takes place whenever God’s people gather for worship, study and/or fellowship. Equips FHPC so that we can provide educational opportunities that focus on scripture to encourage discipleship in Jesus Christ among people of all ages, both inside and outside of the FHPC community.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the online portion of the Inquirers Class for Forest Hills Presbyterian Church. We hope it has been informative, engaging, and encouraging! Please make a note of any questions or suggestions you have about our congregation and how we can improve this class, or how we can deepen our ministry in general! May God bless you each and every day!