THE SESSION of FOREST HILLS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH is the representative governing body for our congregation.
Key activity areas are staffed and carried out through our ministry teams and staff working in close collaboration.
Mission/Outreach: Coordinates the mission ministry of Forest Hills. Encourages members to become involved both inside and outside the church in mission projects to help our community, nation, and the world.
Congregational Care/Fellowship: Provides oversight for the care of individual members. Works with Pastor in care of bereaved families, homebound and ill. Encourages all members to care for each other. In the area of Fellowship, they promote opportunities for the congregation to spend time together in meaningful ways. Welcomes new members and visitors.
Worship:Our charge is to facilitate dynamic and authentic worship focused on and to God, from our congregation within our reformed tradition. The mission is to promote deep, joyous and Spirit-filled worship of God. We plan additional special events and encourage all to participate in the worship experiences of this congregation.
Christian Education: Provides oversight for the educational program of Forest Hills, providing classes and opportunities for building faith through recommending other educational opportunities for members and the community.
Administrative/Finance: Takes care of the administration of the church organization including the budgeting process, monthly financial reports, stewardship campaign, and personnel.
Property/Facilities: coordinates and keeps the property of Forest Hills in good order and available for ministry as the other areas of the church ministry have needs.