We worship in Common Ground Chapel on Sundays at 11 am. Common Ground Chapel (on your left) was our first Sanctuary built at the founding of Forest Hills Presbyterian Church in 1951 and our current Sanctuary (on your left) was built in the early 1960's. The original sanctuary's space has been re-designed to offer us a variety of ways to use the room. We have found it to be the perfect size for our current congregation and a welcoming place to worship together. Our sanctuary is available for worship, special services, and concerts when needed. Our services are both traditional and informal. We are very blessed to have two worship spaces which allow us to worship in different ways. We have also recently held worship away from the building when Pastor Cheryl has led Chapel at King's Grant Senior Living Facility and when the congregation has had a Fall Worship Service and Lunch at Home Creek Farm. Worship is led by Rev. Cheryl Peeples (pastor) and Betsy Haskins (Music Director and Organist, Pianist). John Peeples videos our worship each week so we can put it up on YouTube for those who cannot be with us onsite and Zoom worship is also available. Holy Communion is available on the first Sunday of each month as well as on other special occasions. Everyone is welcome to take Communion.
Videos of our prior Worship Services are available on YouTube Here: Worship Services